
Review Detail of Bush_duck in Reborn as Hades In PJO

Review detail


The author has an amazingly deep understanding on the mythos of it all and explains the mechanics between characters and events in a way that even I, as a self diagnosed dumbass, can understand with only a single re-read of the text that eluded me. The story is developing in a way that makes perfect sense and takes into account every single detail that would have changed given the OC's insertion and personality and how it differs from the canon. Character design is, in my opinion, the best I've seen on this site. The characters are easy to understand and sympathize with and they seem like actual living beings and not just some robots in human(?)(god) skin. The only down side is the (as of this moment when I'm writing this) stability of the updates. But given the fact that the story is just starting and the Author is still just a human all we can do is stop yapping about it and enjoy the story as it goes. Ps. The chapter length of the chapters seems to vary... so don't complain about it please. I'd personally hate to see the story dropped because of the negative comments and unrealistic expectations.

Reborn as Hades In PJO


Liked by 1 people




This was made after reading chapter 24, the current last chapter.