
Review Detail of Zaylent in Dark Hero in Tate no Yuusha

Review detail


this one is a good shield hero fic, a pretty good and well made fic for a new author and i can see ur improvements throughout the chapters. i dont have problems to ur story updates cus u update regularly. morsans character development is neither good or bad, i jut found it in the middle, also mc shouldnt feel guilt to others stupid decisions. the downside is ur writing style, u should break the lines like 3-4 sentences each paragraphs cuz anymore than 5 becomes a hassle to read, i believe this must also be the reason why others found this fic boring. you should also avoid too much info drops, others will just basically skip read it. u should also avoid multiple chapter as a time skip. well this is all my honest opinions and hope for more incoming chapters

Dark Hero in Tate no Yuusha


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