
Review Detail of QuinnKey in My Villainous Mother is the Feared Lord Fiancée.

Review detail


Honest review, first chapter will already tangle you by lady Lucinda to hit the next chapter. The interaction of mother and child (Theodore) was priceless, she'll do anything for his son and he'll do anything for his mother. I also like how the author imagine the dance party, it really caught me to seat in front and watch Lucinda and his dance partner together. (i thought at first they know each other 😅). Anyway the update stability is also perfect! World background can be created with story development so there's no problem with that. Aaaand that's it! I totally recommend this novel. Happy readers, happy author. 🥰🥰❤️

My Villainous Mother is the Feared Lord Fiancée.


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The grin splitting my face with this beautiful review is everything. I’m glad you enjoyed reading this story as that is my goal. And I’ll continue to make all the time you read Each chapter worth it till the very end. i really appreciate this. you’re known for giving honest hard reviews so to see this reach your expectation is a joy.