
Review Detail of Drackco in Batman x Arc Reactor

Review detail


Personally dropped after chap 9 Biggest issue I have is you give the MC tony starks intelligence and experience AND DID NOTHING WITH IT. He twisted fate with nothing more than a warning and (the equivalent) of a concealed dart gun/sling shot because both of those could have replaced the watch and changed nothing. He didn't give his family blueprints for better defense, didn't stop his family from walking into a trap (why take a risk you can just avoid?) can't use the excuse "hes in a childs body he doesn't have full ability yet" BECAUSE HE MADE A BLUEPRINT FOR A SUPER CAR AT 3 y/o I don't mind the method used for the time skip but I greatly dislike the way you resolved it its like you had 3 origin stories and smashed the together

Batman x Arc Reactor


Liked by 12 people




You might do some research on canon events. Better watch the Spiderman spiderverse or What if, series, to better understand how Canon Event works. He couldn't even stop Thanos and died the same way as Tony did even though he had full knowledge, so MC knows the side-effects of messing with canon events. In short, the more you try to prevent such event, the harder it is to avoid and escape from the backlash. He knew that and still took the risk but tried to minimize the effect as much as possible. His plan was good, but... Well, I won't be dropping any spoilers or the reason why he got shot, because I have already explained everything in the later chapters.


Another troll who wants everything in one chapter. There's a slow burn warning, right? Oops. You are blind. Maybe use your brain a bit instead of trolling?


Maybe read vol-1 and then apologize for writing this review? 😂


Yes it's called lazy unimaginative writing.

Xcalibur_Xc:You might do some research on canon events. Better watch the Spiderman spiderverse or What if, series, to better understand how Canon Event works. He couldn't even stop Thanos and died the same way as Tony did even though he had full knowledge, so MC knows the side-effects of messing with canon events. In short, the more you try to prevent such event, the harder it is to avoid and escape from the backlash. He knew that and still took the risk but tried to minimize the effect as much as possible. His plan was good, but... Well, I won't be dropping any spoilers or the reason why he got shot, because I have already explained everything in the later chapters.