
Review Detail of GrymAbyss in Custom Made Eldritch Creature

Review detail


Disclaimer, Heavy Spoilers, potentially a great text wall of china thanks to webnovel having a problem with implementing enter/downspace or whatever it's called in comments and reviews last I checked, long winded explanations and glazing, along with repeating topics considering I just wrote what came to mind, also likely typo filled, but im sleepy and I originally only intended to read the first ten chapters before heading to bed but I got sucked in to all 28. But for readers who may feel that they may not want to read this, skip to the story development portion of my review. Still a spoiler, but I also went into this novel with that spoiler in mind, so I think it may not detract from the experience too much. Preview- 5 Stars. Personally, I'd consider this a full 5/5 stars the perfect story to be honest. It has things in it that I just love like the CMDK system, evolution, OP MC, non-human mc... I could go on, but essentially, the story is basically made for me, the story of my dreams. But for one reason, this is a 4.8 star review. Personally, I was fine with this even though I know it could've been formatted better, perhaps transparency would've been best. But at the same time, I enjoyed it. The Prolouge. It would appear that some people just couldn't stand the sudden change from prolouge to story. But I was fine with it and it made a lot of sense considering the fact that I actually read every word in the story lol. But anyways. I can only hope this isn't a great text wall of china and that I can actually use the enter key and have it stay as a piece of my review. Writing Quality- 5 Stars. Genuinely found no mistakes, no odd plot holes, and nothing that I'd consider bad writing, dare I say perfect. Stability of Updates- 5 stars. I have a certain personal word-count-to-update-time ratio for me to consider the update schedule of a story as at the very least acceptable. But this is a flagrant violation of that. Multiple well written chapters of over 1.5k words in a week. Obviously they weren't released the day they were written, but the update speed is immense. I think it's at like 5 chapters a week at the time i'm creating this review. Personally, just 1.2k words a week is enough for me, or 5k words a month. But this far exceeds that. Story Devolopment- 4 stars. Not for myself, but from a pure objective standpoint, this is an obvious flaw in story development. The ten chapter long prolouge(Is that spelled correctly?) followed by a swift "mc change" as others have put it, and a sudden change in story direction can easily deter those who aren't reading with a forgiving mindset. But if you just read the story instead of skimming when the story begins feeling rushed you'll find that it's not all that confusing. I know I personally began doing that near the end of the tenth chapter. It began feeling so rushed that I decided to just skip to where ever the author was rushing to, hoping for more well paced writing. But when the whole wake up sequence began and noticing something like a black-hole universe sucking mouth skill, I quickly scrolled back up and read properly. All in all, not a bad thing to me at the very least, but its objectively a flaw in a sense. Character Design- 5 Stars. I like the characters, they feel real and not just words that chain to events. I can feel the thought process from every character almost. And it's entrancing. Far above what we usually receive on webnovel. World Background- 5 Stars. Considering this is a fanfic, as long as the background isn't botched and holds up to the source material its at least four stars. But in this case, the author has his own spin on the background, the story. It's not just an eldritch themed/eldritch rebranded version of Roy's journey. But instead it is a unique story born from another story. It's roots are in CMDK but the leaves and bark is of a different tree. Overall- 4.8 Stars. Alright, no more glazing. An overall amazing story that I will almost religiously follow. I'll also read the author's other stories if they have any. My only word of advice to the readers who haven't read yet and think the whole prolouge thing is too much of a hassle to go through is this. Just do it. Then trust me when I say this. It isn't a big deal. I went into this story with the knowledge that reading the first ten chapters were useless essentially. And that may have lead to me skimming in the tenth chapter, but it didn't detract from the value and enjoyment I got from the first ten chapters. I decided to just read it like I would any other novel. And I've been lucky to have found this. If you liked CMDK as much as I did then you'll definetly like this aswell, CMDK is definetly peak fiction for me, and to find this, it's almost like reading those 400 chapters all over again. Again, sorry about any typos, glazing, and overall yapping. Im just making up for the fact that I didn't, or rather couldn't comment on this story since I wasn't logged in since it's hard for me to log in lol, so I was just reading this as a guest.

Custom Made Eldritch Creature


Liked by 6 people




I’m going to say that the reason I ended the prologue in ten chapters and didn’t make it longer was because I didn’t want people to be attached to “scarlet”. I had my friends give me background info on what I should do and they said to end it quickly. I ended it on the tenth chapter and noticed people were still attached to “scarlet” even though I ended things early and so that was my fault. Thank you for leaving a review on the story and I’m currently trying to make the newer chapters 3k words each and have them be much higher in quality. I as a writer actually hate my work and can’t have it be read out loud without cringing deep in my heart. I continue forward with the goal of having myself feel that I’m good enough and to not cringe at what I type when it’s read out loud by others.


(Btw it was 14 chapters a week! 😂 also since I’m making it 3k words each the updates are gonna be cut by half so a chapter a day. Currently am playing a game that just updated but I still have enough to update the story.)


game name please 🙃

HopOffMe:(Btw it was 14 chapters a week! 😂 also since I’m making it 3k words each the updates are gonna be cut by half so a chapter a day. Currently am playing a game that just updated but I still have enough to update the story.)




HopOffMe:(Btw it was 14 chapters a week! 😂 also since I’m making it 3k words each the updates are gonna be cut by half so a chapter a day. Currently am playing a game that just updated but I still have enough to update the story.)

No idea why anyone disliked my review when I literally forewarned the reader to everything negative about my review.


It was a glitch lol it’s not possible to go in into the negatives

GrymAbyss:No idea why anyone disliked my review when I literally forewarned the reader to everything negative about my review.

Ah, thought it was because of the dislike function

Sorouko:It was a glitch lol it’s not possible to go in into the negatives

CMDK is almost 100 chapter right?, when did it go so far as 400 chapter?, I'm reading it at wattpat (~_^)


Official translations(Non MTL translations) havent exceeded chapter 476 IIRC, the raws of the story has 1.2k chapters IIRC, by no means is it only in the 100's. Take the number on the raws with a grain of salt since its been a while since I've looked at the chapter count.

Muhd_Danial_9748:CMDK is almost 100 chapter right?, when did it go so far as 400 chapter?, I'm reading it at wattpat (~_^)

well ok thank for the knowledge thought

GrymAbyss:Official translations(Non MTL translations) havent exceeded chapter 476 IIRC, the raws of the story has 1.2k chapters IIRC, by no means is it only in the 100's. Take the number on the raws with a grain of salt since its been a while since I've looked at the chapter count.

Chat, Ignore this review. The wole fanfic got rewrote, and of course the whole situation changed. Might slide and drop a new review once this version reaches 20+ chaps