
Review Detail of Swikong in Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Review detail


Won't write much as it would spoil the story but gotta say it's unique on it's own. It's unique story wants you to read more that keeps you engage in the story. Hope so the AUTHOR(S) won't leave the story incomplete but complete the story with fun, uniqueness, opness & freedom with greatness.

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers


Liked by 10 people




haha that review brings the pressure but all is well, we shall release chapter 5 tonight. they're about 5 more chapters with a fast pace, then we really dive into this newly mastered 'Naruto' world I use the term Naruto world loosely. there will be surprises but they will all make sense when explained


is this Naruto world as AU as the black clover world?

The_11th_Division:haha that review brings the pressure but all is well, we shall release chapter 5 tonight. they're about 5 more chapters with a fast pace, then we really dive into this newly mastered 'Naruto' world I use the term Naruto world loosely. there will be surprises but they will all make sense when explained

similar but not as cause and effect ish all the changes will have a plot point that makes it all tie back together like the hollow doesn't exist because of Yo or vice versa, when they're plot drops you'll understand

Kaiser_6117:is this Naruto world as AU as the black clover world?