
Review Detail of The_Mutated_Nut in Saiyan in Warhammer

Review detail


they forgot about the Admech and the power of imperiums ships and technology the inquisitor can flick his wrist and press a button and destroy the world or condem it in a single vox transmission. also i don't like arrogant mc. also he said that if the other saiyens kill humans and cause problems he will go rogue, and his team mates go and kill humans. and he doesn't go rogue like he said and he basically forgot. Basically Plot holes LOTS

Saiyan in Warhammer


Liked by 12 people




1- It's a feudal world, the only admech that was present was in the space station. The regiment sent over was mostly to fend off against the Ork Invasion. 2- The Inqusitor literally didn't have time to do nothing as Bann leave him immobile in a couple of seconds. I have already stated that the Inquisitor ship was a Falchion Class frigate alongside two smaller scorts. No exterminatus possible due to it. 3-What was the point of going rogue after most of his plans went spoiled after he himself messed them up with his fight? More so when he realised he was in Warhammer universe. He needed the Saiyans more so. anything else?


look I agree with your reasoning and evidence. but still the arrogance is sky high it's a bit over the top. but I'm just one be person so feel free to ignore.

SrDevoxero:1- It's a feudal world, the only admech that was present was in the space station. The regiment sent over was mostly to fend off against the Ork Invasion. 2- The Inqusitor literally didn't have time to do nothing as Bann leave him immobile in a couple of seconds. I have already stated that the Inquisitor ship was a Falchion Class frigate alongside two smaller scorts. No exterminatus possible due to it. 3-What was the point of going rogue after most of his plans went spoiled after he himself messed them up with his fight? More so when he realised he was in Warhammer universe. He needed the Saiyans more so. anything else?