
Review Detail of Heavenmonarch_ in

Review detail


OBLIGATORY AUTHOR REVIEW I’m going to shamelessly give my book five stars because I can and there’s no one to stop me. This book has evolved a lot from where it started and after a lot of readjustments and rewriting, I think it’s ready for the world to behold it’s beauty. Before you start reading it, I need to get some things straight so we can all save ourselves time and stress. - The MC is a proud, nonchalant, merciless fellow. He may seem like the villain at times. If you don’t like this, I suggest you go elsewhere. - There will also be no sort of romance in the book. Things may change later on and if they do, I’ll let you know. If there are any other things I need to address, I’ll post another review. For now, happy reading

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The first five to ten chapters may be a bit confusing but things get better as you continue reading, I promise