
Review Detail of Miles_Williams_4733 in Shards of the Broken Heart

Review detail


So far I’m loving this story - finally an mc that isn’t a beta or a simp- he’s possessive in a good way and is not afraid to kill those who stand in his way - he’s still young thus he still has some growing up to do but he’s making progress - I hope he and his mom start developing their relationship more which seems to be happening. Only criticism I have - which is minor- is that when meeting the new ladies there isn’t any description on how they look like - for a while I didn’t know how anyone looked like, but this seems to be changing in the later chapter - oh and there seems to be too few chapters making it hard to wait for the new chapters to come. Author keep up the good work - can’t wait to see what new powers he gets and to learn more about his passed lives

Shards of the Broken Heart


Liked by 6 people




bro how many harem members are so far .. bro