
Review Detail of LollyPooper in My Trillion-Dollar Assets is Exposed by My Wife's Bragging!

Review detail


The author has serious amnesiaIn the past chapters before the current one (368) the novel demonstrated that the mc is a strong man that can take on 10 men singlehandedlybut now? (ch 368) The mc is easily captured and defeated by 2 ordinary goons sent to him and the ef he effing expected them too so there should be no excuses for his defeatThe heroine acts scared and sh*t when she herself allowed a random man (MC) in her house because she believes that she can beat him up The author has been building on the part that both the ml and fl are strong and now they get scared sh*tless by random ass goons sent by some minor extras that are not even worth mentioning

My Trillion-Dollar Assets is Exposed by My Wife's Bragging!

Rainbow Bubble Fish

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