
Review Detail of Parzivaall in I Have An A.I Chip In A Post-Apocalyptic World

Review detail


Hello Everyone it's the Author here. Hope you like this story. And if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

I Have An A.I Chip In A Post-Apocalyptic World


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JBFIRE_77:romance please 🙏 no

romance please 🙏 no




will there be romance in this novel please no it holds back the MC


I am actually undecided on that matter right now. But there will be no romance shortly at least.

JBFIRE_77:will there be romance in this novel please no it holds back the MC

I think if his goal is to be a Meta human and see how far he as a metahuman can go then i think putting in Romance is a liability because he is going to have protect her all time, share resources, he might feel guilty of keeping his AI a secret and tell her that how he got so strong so quickly ( i hate it when the MC 😒 tell others his secrets) and in this world people have all types of power, and his enemies or people who are curious an how he got so strong so quickly or want to know his weaknesses or other secrets may kidnap her and use her as a way gain his secrets or they might have mind control or soul ability which they will use on her which can tell them about his secrets, weaknesses and etc and because in most cases when it comes to these type of situation the MC don't think logically but emotionally were in some cases he should be dead put (PLOT ARMOR came to the rescue) i am not saying he can't have seggs or anything just don't get emotional attach because that will lead to his downfall and also becoming a metahuman this path will bring him all type of powerful enemies so romance will become a liability because he will a have more burdens to carry. well that's how I see romance affecting the story


Romance in a story can become a liability but it can become a strength too. Just because Dan likes a girl that doesn't make her a weak girl. He might fall in love with a strong and smart girl who will help him in his endeavours rather than drag him down. But let's see. I haven't really thought of adding romance at the moment and there won't be any for a long time.


Thank you for your comment.

JBFIRE_77:I think if his goal is to be a Meta human and see how far he as a metahuman can go then i think putting in Romance is a liability because he is going to have protect her all time, share resources, he might feel guilty of keeping his AI a secret and tell her that how he got so strong so quickly ( i hate it when the MC 😒 tell others his secrets) and in this world people have all types of power, and his enemies or people who are curious an how he got so strong so quickly or want to know his weaknesses or other secrets may kidnap her and use her as a way gain his secrets or they might have mind control or soul ability which they will use on her which can tell them about his secrets, weaknesses and etc and because in most cases when it comes to these type of situation the MC don't think logically but emotionally were in some cases he should be dead put (PLOT ARMOR came to the rescue) i am not saying he can't have seggs or anything just don't get emotional attach because that will lead to his downfall and also becoming a metahuman this path will bring him all type of powerful enemies so romance will become a liability because he will a have more burdens to carry. well that's how I see romance affecting the story

Parzivaall:Thank you for your comment.

nah Lang is enough to help him

Parzivaall:Romance in a story can become a liability but it can become a strength too. Just because Dan likes a girl that doesn't make her a weak girl. He might fall in love with a strong and smart girl who will help him in his endeavours rather than drag him down. But let's see. I haven't really thought of adding romance at the moment and there won't be any for a long time.


JBFIRE_77:nah Lang is enough to help him

pls no harem or a lot of boss girls ?


There won't be

Electro_X9:pls no harem or a lot of boss girls ?

I have a question for you, if you hate romance. do you not like almost all movies, anime, tv shows etc? almost every great book, movie and such has some sort of romance. don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of the romance where the woman is a wimp or a simp. I just think a well written romance in it adds greatly to said artwork, I have read a few books without any and frankly they are boring and one dimensional.

JBFIRE_77:I think if his goal is to be a Meta human and see how far he as a metahuman can go then i think putting in Romance is a liability because he is going to have protect her all time, share resources, he might feel guilty of keeping his AI a secret and tell her that how he got so strong so quickly ( i hate it when the MC 😒 tell others his secrets) and in this world people have all types of power, and his enemies or people who are curious an how he got so strong so quickly or want to know his weaknesses or other secrets may kidnap her and use her as a way gain his secrets or they might have mind control or soul ability which they will use on her which can tell them about his secrets, weaknesses and etc and because in most cases when it comes to these type of situation the MC don't think logically but emotionally were in some cases he should be dead put (PLOT ARMOR came to the rescue) i am not saying he can't have seggs or anything just don't get emotional attach because that will lead to his downfall and also becoming a metahuman this path will bring him all type of powerful enemies so romance will become a liability because he will a have more burdens to carry. well that's how I see romance affecting the story


Viduus:I have a question for you, if you hate romance. do you not like almost all movies, anime, tv shows etc? almost every great book, movie and such has some sort of romance. don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of the romance where the woman is a wimp or a simp. I just think a well written romance in it adds greatly to said artwork, I have read a few books without any and frankly they are boring and one dimensional.

I don't have a problem with anime, tv shows or novels having Romance. its just because most of these types of novels that i have read with romance in it have destroy it, most of time authors put Romance in the story out of nowhere and i have to look where it begins, and then you have some authors who says that their MC are heartless, emotionless, greedy for power, and etc and then all of sudden the MC start developing feelings and getting distracted from their goals or when they create a story about the MC been a villain which will make them practically the enemy of the world which I feel romance is a liability in that type of story, i have also read some storys which was fantastic when the MC was focusing on their goals, smart, wise and have common sense but when the author put in romance the MC lose all of that, and in some cases with novels having revenge in it the MC always focus on other people revenge or problem rather than focus their own revenge.Yeah that's why i don't like romance in these types of novel

Viduus:I have a question for you, if you hate romance. do you not like almost all movies, anime, tv shows etc? almost every great book, movie and such has some sort of romance. don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of the romance where the woman is a wimp or a simp. I just think a well written romance in it adds greatly to said artwork, I have read a few books without any and frankly they are boring and one dimensional.

Have you read dimensional descent Check that out to see a proper fl

JBFIRE_77:I don't have a problem with anime, tv shows or novels having Romance. its just because most of these types of novels that i have read with romance in it have destroy it, most of time authors put Romance in the story out of nowhere and i have to look where it begins, and then you have some authors who says that their MC are heartless, emotionless, greedy for power, and etc and then all of sudden the MC start developing feelings and getting distracted from their goals or when they create a story about the MC been a villain which will make them practically the enemy of the world which I feel romance is a liability in that type of story, i have also read some storys which was fantastic when the MC was focusing on their goals, smart, wise and have common sense but when the author put in romance the MC lose all of that, and in some cases with novels having revenge in it the MC always focus on other people revenge or problem rather than focus their own revenge.Yeah that's why i don't like romance in these types of novel

I'll save that for when I'm ready but now I just want find a novel that is good and don't have romance

Romance_guy:Have you read dimensional descent Check that out to see a proper fl

Author if there is romance will it only be 1 girl cause i'm not into multiples oŕ harem. That really derails a story for me.