
Review Detail of KingerFinger in Corrupt God of Path of the Blood

Review detail


There are some grammatical mistakes, but the author has already said that it is translated from Turkish. These mistakes are not such big things. So there is no problem. The sentences are nicely arranged. It's wonderful to understand the MC's inner world. He has great goals but he is also afraid. He knows his place. Yet he doesn't let that stop him. If he can't afford it, he comes up with a suitable plan. He's not someone who sacrifices himself to protect the innocent. He's also not a violent psychopath who tries to kill everyone. If he kills someone, it is only to achieve his dreams. He doesn't kill for fun. He doesn't enjoy killing either. But when he takes revenge, of course he feels good about it. He just doesn't avoid doing it when it's necessary. This story has the potential to be one of the best I've read recently. There are 40 chapters now. It starts slowly, but this slowness is very beneficial for the emotions and relationships in the story. I'm waiting eagerly for the sequel.

Corrupt God of Path of the Blood


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