this is extreme wish fulfillment with the mc instantly having access to literally anything with no consequences. hence there is no plot just the mc jumping around grabbing things from random other alternate universe to suit his needs fandoms and generally acting rather immature. grammar was ok but sentences like all things need to end eventually, in this case far sooner. could've been much better but mc is unrestricted and therefore cannot be forced into acting within the realms of a plotline. Not brainrot though at least. I would also suggest stop mentioning other things from different IP's or other universes because everytime i need to leave and google something i might not come back. terrible for user retention. should be 2 stars but at least you didn't give MC one piece haki lol.
Liked by 4 people
LIKEThank you for the honest review and critique. I understand that the story may seem unrestricted and lacking in limitations for the main character. However, I wrote it on a whim, simply as a way to pass the time. I wanted to create a story without any real consequences, something I could sit down and write without worrying about the restrictions. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
nah man, you had fun writing, i had fun reading. its not like everyone writes seriously and just the fact your sharing your work you wrote for fun makes me happy, not everyone has the balls.