[Mission duration: 30 days] [Primary mission initiated: Eradicate Voldemort. MC: I know, lets take Barty's spot and teach DADA for a year. Maybe I missed something but that math doesn't math.
Liked by 63 people
LIKEDiamond? The first couple of chapters cements that the mc is a completely childish moron and that the author doesn't think beyond the depth of the scene. He acts like a psychopathic 9-year-old old got trapped in an adult's body. Doing Spongebob voices at people and acting like a spoiled brat. He's incapable of thinking in his head instead bumbling around speaking his thoughts out loud 'in a whisper' that end up getting him into trouble. It's better than a lot of the trash on here sure but it's not a 5-star story and is barely a 3.5-star one.
Bro, SpongeBob voices?? 💀 bruh I had some interest but it’s all gone
Thanks for saving me the time 💀
maybe your head is filled with shit reading this type of chinese novels that you think it requires 5 stars 🥲🥲