
Review Detail of Sai_Tama_0135 in My Mysterious life

Review detail


My rate for this novel was so good "AT FIRST" but the more i read the more i realize the author only cares for garnering of audience and its profit, the storyline is so good at first but has the same generic "copy paste taste" that goes in cirlces each chapter and has a very slow progress on the main storyline, imagine from chapters 1-100 still no progress at all like, MC's backround is still unknown specially to (Dalhia) Ex FMC and to her Family who are so unjust, despising Dustine (MC) all the way through despite being helped by the MC himself many times over... I still read it tho but as i continue i can only down rate it more as time goes by but not unless there's a better change. otherwise hopeless author

My Mysterious life


Liked by 11 people




The story gets on your nerves, it's really good for me though. You just can't appreciate it.


spot on. had good potential in the beginning but turned into another frustrating story where the author doesn't put any effort to move the story forward. it appears as a numbers game for author just trying to push out as many words as possible even those it's recycled situations from earlier chapters presented in different ways. hope the author changes his motivation for this story otherwise it'll flop and never blow up in a good way