
Review Detail of Daoist_Culture in Conquering World with Hypnosis

Review detail


Hello. Is there any kind of yuri here? I hate that stuff and would like to know before reading. thanks

Conquering World with Hypnosis


Liked by 2 people




nah, If i'm make it to do something each other it will not because it is romantic relationship, that will only be spice up for the MC and under MC control, yeah like you said, something like 3some


I'm not sure if there will be something sort like that, but if you like, I will put some warning sign if there will be that things in the future, at the first line of the chapter. but for now, it is not here.


Thanks for a honest reply. I read as a self insert, so even if there will be a warning its still effs up any romantic build up for me. His girls join his harem only to eff each other? Thats partner sharing for me, even if he is there. 3soms and more are very much fine for me, but without harem doing each other. I ll keep your book in my library since you dont have a decision on that matter. I lost too many coins for books that added yuri in the middle of the novel,like 40k already. So I ll wait for some future chaps and see for myslef without being attached to the characters. Or maybe you will make a decision soon. One more time, thanks.

ShinyRedstone:I'm not sure if there will be something sort like that, but if you like, I will put some warning sign if there will be that things in the future, at the first line of the chapter. but for now, it is not here.

But thats still de sire for each other tho... There is many ways to spice it up for the mc, without partner sharing. Sorry bro I dont read that kind of novels. Thanks for a reply and good luck with your book.

ShinyRedstone:nah, If i'm make it to do something each other it will not because it is romantic relationship, that will only be spice up for the MC and under MC control, yeah like you said, something like 3some

thank you! good luck for you too, by the way I just got some inspiration from this and a novel I read too.[img=recommend]


Good for you! If its inspiration for more yuri i lost some cultured points haha

ShinyRedstone:thank you! good luck for you too, by the way I just got some inspiration from this and a novel I read too.[img=recommend]

haha, It's about how the MC should enjoy his harem. I'm not much thinking about yuri, but this MC is basically "what if I have a power and how I want my harem to be" so it is actually about I fantasies myself, I'm fantasized to be served by several girl at the same time. so if it still minus your point than you should be fighting to regain the point back hahaha :D


I see, thats good than😁. Well, if yuri is not setnin stone, think about it at least xd. If you decide to drop it, I ll gladly read it hehe. I really like mind powers 😎

ShinyRedstone:haha, It's about how the MC should enjoy his harem. I'm not much thinking about yuri, but this MC is basically "what if I have a power and how I want my harem to be" so it is actually about I fantasies myself, I'm fantasized to be served by several girl at the same time. so if it still minus your point than you should be fighting to regain the point back hahaha :D

Just stay update my friend if you want to know what next

Daoist_Culture:I see, thats good than😁. Well, if yuri is not setnin stone, think about it at least xd. If you decide to drop it, I ll gladly read it hehe. I really like mind powers 😎

Fair, but I have a feeling you want to sneak some yuri there, and thats not for me 😅

ShinyRedstone:Just stay update my friend if you want to know what next