Yes, this novel is good and fun to read. However, it is as clear as the sky that the author did not write this novel with his own imagination instead he used ChatGPT, an AI tool, to write this novel.In fact, anyone could do the same by using an AI tool, however, it completely erases the essence a novel should have. The lengthiest explanation for every little detail, repeated word use such as "stark contrast to", "very fiber of space, her own being, reality, etc", and appearance of many such words and sentences are proof that the author used AI to write the novel. And exactly this caused the lack of "conversation" between characters in this novel. This novel, though fun to read, soon becomes a boredom where it becomes difficult to continue reading.In fact, it is alright if the author is using the AI, at least proofread it one or two times and add more conversations as well as occurrence of events, remove unnecessary explanations that filled the chapters, and give more screentime to the Protagonist instead of side characters and their story.
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