
Review Detail of sayed_hassan in LuBu's Life simulator

Review detail


hidden gem, 10/10 recommended 👌, despite being only 50 chapters it was great read. currently trying to find maybe if there is raws or original since it says in description.

LuBu's Life simulator


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u could expect mc leading battle with his army, don't expect always emerging victories. welp he do each time but at heavy cost of his men since get outnumbered most of the time. I have few complaints here and there but overall its good u could say hidden gem.


zaya ur translation is very good compared to mtl, thank u for 50 chapters u have translated, I will come back if u continue this. Welp if u can reach my reading speed in mtl or I stopped from losing brain cell from reading mtl.


update: currently 187 ch in mtl, hemm its been I have spent couple of hours bimg reading this. I can say up until ch 187 I can recall mc has used simulator 3 times (at most 4 times). ofc for good reason since unlike other simulation. he experience entirely simulation there is no bull sh t like u need to choose this reward to remember sim etc. but at same time I could say there are many opportunities where he can sim since he is not in war or fight. Good read don't recommend reading this if u want to watch mc relying on sim all the time magically he becomes op. don't worry mc is very strong but not op since there a lot of times where he could die if he didn't plan very well.