Author you start at diablo 2 mc weak at first than slow become stronger change many even canon save many save kill baal save world stone you make mc have power Purified corruption,in the end diablo 2 your mc high level become op broken to high primordial nephalem life mc become like elf long live like Immortal you make world build train people And other stuff and time skip to diablo 3 and save the world and than to diablo 4, about lore you can watch on youtube or wiki so many are plot like first diablo 1 Warrior is son of king leoric who become skeleton king becuase diablo adaria at shop sell stuff i forget and before diablo 1 prime evil invaded to sanctuary hunt by who i forget seal in stone that start corruption prime evil learn can corruption stone and some cult evil put stone in son king leoric little brother warrior and many more me write story suck english my second leaguage and this comment write like two hour 😂 that how bad is so author you last hope fanfic diablo
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