
Review Detail of Ange_Ushiromiya in Systemless Villain

Review detail


can someone tell me if there is a harem in the novel?

Systemless Villain


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There's also something akin to a harem here, but it's not really a harem. He has two girls, one of whom he's in a stable relationship with, while he's in a conflict with the second. By the 200th chapter, he reconciles with the second girl, but their relationship status as a 'threesome' has not been explicitly discussed yet; they haven't even had a proper conversation together. In short, he sleeps with several girls in these 200 chapters that I've read, but so far, only with these two does he have any kind of relationship developing. So, yes, to answer your question: there will be a harem.


Who are the girls with whom he has a stable relationship? and if all he did was sleep with the other girls and nothing else, aren't they just passing through?

Lapllace:There's also something akin to a harem here, but it's not really a harem. He has two girls, one of whom he's in a stable relationship with, while he's in a conflict with the second. By the 200th chapter, he reconciles with the second girl, but their relationship status as a 'threesome' has not been explicitly discussed yet; they haven't even had a proper conversation together. In short, he sleeps with several girls in these 200 chapters that I've read, but so far, only with these two does he have any kind of relationship developing. So, yes, to answer your question: there will be a harem.

"He slept with several girls with whom he no longer has any contact at all, and it doesn't really stand out in the plot. As for the other two with whom he has relationships (I forgot the names), the first one with whom he has unstable relationships is his childhood friend, and the second one with whom he is 'officially' together is the girl he 'kidnapped' in the early chapters."

Ange_Ushiromiya:Who are the girls with whom he has a stable relationship? and if all he did was sleep with the other girls and nothing else, aren't they just passing through?

Did he reconcile with the girl?

Lapllace:"He slept with several girls with whom he no longer has any contact at all, and it doesn't really stand out in the plot. As for the other two with whom he has relationships (I forgot the names), the first one with whom he has unstable relationships is his childhood friend, and the second one with whom he is 'officially' together is the girl he 'kidnapped' in the early chapters."