2023-06-07 16:44

For those who have doubts about the name of the MC, they will change the name later in the story.

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then are you admitting that you suck at writing/creating the outline and information the story needs. if the story outline is not trash then what's the point of changing the name. you need to stick with people who have the same name as you, so you can have a chance to establish trust in you one day to like your writing style


If you don't know how to read, not in my problem xd

Other Reviews

while not as horrible as a mtl story the writing style is awful with spanish randomly being mixed with English. Even the name of the cultivetion realms and the profound energy that are the basics of an atg fanfic are changed randomly showing lack of editing. Sometimes it is difficult to follow who is speaking and if the mc is having an inner monologue. The name is awful and no matter the reason that according to the author will be explained later on is still does not make sense because it is a female name for a male mc and the fake name use by one of the female lead. The character should be an old man who lived in modern world for 125 years but he chamges from being collected to acting like a child The mc is a slave of the system since after reincarnation he does only what the system asks him even when it is something that he does not won't because otherwhise he got as punishments things like death and the spul tortured in Hades (cit.). If it was not enough with his initial points from the shop of the system could get cheaply the evil god veins but author introduse some lightning sparrow vein that cost way more points that the mc has got and most of all they seem luckluster compared with evil god veins since they only give divine lightning related affinities while with evil god veins mc could get any affinity. SO in my opinion is not something enjoyable to read not even by disconnecting your neurons because there is too much dumb sthick and the mc is pretty much nerfed/over specialized when there is no need to it aside from the author forcing even more the plot to run parellel to the canon plot, even more than already forcing it by having the system prohibiting the mc from killing yun che early on

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