
Review Detail of EvilBlueCrystal in Legendary Multiversal Cafe

Review detail


The protagonist dies and reincarnates into the Naruto world, to join a loving family that insists he abandons being a ninja and becomes a civilian, He is born with wings and purple star eyes but he refuses to use any of them, Instead he believes in only doing good and not getting into any conflicts, then his dad dies, everyone starts crying so he opens a bookstore, Then he is 16 his mother dies so he awakens a multiverse system that hands him coffee chakra seeds and starts selling coffee even though he said he doesn't care about money he starts calculating how much money he can make. In reality no ninja would touch coffee when they could have tea instead, they would think is poison, throw it away and then proceed to kill him. It would take centuries for anyone to accept this and someone learns about its potential Chakra-enhancing and healing properties he becomes a target. And the Hokage discovers the coffee shop and sends anbu to investigate, but the protagonist starts lecturing them that fighting is bad but obviously it doesn't work, he is too weak to do anything and doesn't want to fight so he gets saved, then they come back at night so he tells them to go away but realizes they don't care and that he will die, so they take out his shirt? his wings he never used before kill one of them, the other tries to escape but the protagonist flies up and spits coffee drowning him, so he receives rewards form the system like coffee bloodline and gender-bend potions, he cries and so Kakashi becomes his friend and decides to train him. Theres nothing related to Naruto or ninjas, no interactions outside the cafe, no development, no worldbuilding, and the wish fulfilment power system is not well made.

Legendary Multiversal Cafe


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Sorry, but isn't Naruto a story about ninjas? Naruto is literally about a world of ninjas, MC is not a ninja. Why would you worldbuild if he's managing a coffee shop in Konoha? Doesn't really need to. Ever read a grup chat novel or a gamer fic? Literally every action has a reward there. But you aren't wrong the story has a tag for naruto.

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Bro, where does it say that the story is about the world of Naruto? It's about a multiversal cafe.


bro, I am convinced you have a serious reading issue. None of this is true... Yeah lol, he's selling poison selling a shop, drinking the poison himself and just standing around in the open. he was born with his wings but he never used them once expect for the times that he did... Sigh... How tragic... Not to mention, the first first few paragraphs his father clearly says that his chakra is too weak to be a ninja... must've missed that huh?


I am convinced you have amnesia. This is literally the plot of your Naruto fanfic.

AgentMonke:bro, I am convinced you have a serious reading issue. None of this is true... Yeah lol, he's selling poison selling a shop, drinking the poison himself and just standing around in the open. he was born with his wings but he never used them once expect for the times that he did... Sigh... How tragic... Not to mention, the first first few paragraphs his father clearly says that his chakra is too weak to be a ninja... must've missed that huh?

okay, exactly the same as you described! He's selling poison in broad daylight! He's never used his wings since birth! You've never learned to read between the lines... or the lines themselves, Clearly.

EvilBlueCrystal:I am convinced you have amnesia. This is literally the plot of your Naruto fanfic.

also has a onepiece tag is he going to complain that he doesnt see luffy in naruto?

4thMealToday:Sorry, but isn't Naruto a story about ninjas? Naruto is literally about a world of ninjas, MC is not a ninja. Why would you worldbuild if he's managing a coffee shop in Konoha? Doesn't really need to. Ever read a grup chat novel or a gamer fic? Literally every action has a reward there. But you aren't wrong the story has a tag for naruto.

Hes born with wings and purple star eyes but doesn't use them, they don't have a use? It literally says that the eyes dont do anything at the beginning and his wings can only make him fly.


He doesnt have enough chakra to become a ninja he can only be a civilian when he was born. Father says this in chapter 1, clearly you missed it.


You don't understand what variety is, clearly. Maybe everyone in Konoha loves tea and will drink tea forever never touching anything else. Variety? Who? The poison thing is so ridiculous I'm going to ignore it.


maybe you read another fic with healing coffee? The coffee is a natural laxative that just so happens to purge your system, not an immortal herb. I don't know how its gonna heal you, maybe in your dreams you thought of it? This point is just false so let's move on.


Centuries to accept this. Konoha must be still in the stone ages. Nobody ever tries anything new. Huh? A stick? But I have this rock! Why would I need a stick! Kill this heretic! The Anbu was clearly Root and said to be Root, obviously you didn't see it which means that they're good ninja, next point...


The MC doesn't like conflict or fighting, but they forced him to. Just because I say I don't like tomatoes if im starving I'll still eat them. This point is so absurd I don't even know what you want? Maybe you want a killing machine that doesn't care about anything? Why doesn't he just kil everyone who doesnt come to his coffee shop? Maybe he should fly to the moon and force Toneri to drop it and destroy the planet? Like he never killed anyone before, he's a neat freak, and he's gentle. That's just the way he is, you're complaining that he's not OOC. So this point is also voided. Anything else?


Ah yes, the money thing. He sells his coffee at a cheap price and says that he doesn't really care about the money. Clearly he needs money to survive. How dare he do math? This is terrible! So what happens is the MC calculates the cost of purchasing beans to his profits when Guy tells him to raise his prices. The Mc does the calculations to create a new blend of coffee and his profit margins are huge. He even feels bad that he sells the coffee at roughly 3$ thinking it should be lower. He said that it wasn't about the money he only wanted to make a space where people can be happy, so that naturally means that if he even thinks about a single dollar, he must be a hypocrite. Clearly! This point is actual nonsense.


His mother opened a book store and he helped out after his Dad dies in the Third Ninja war. Then his mother dies of illness and he opens a coffee shop with her name. I don't know what the point of this comment is? Everyone cries... yeah... his dad died? If your father died, you wouldn't cry? This point doesn't make any sense. Next!


You either didn't read the fight or just skimmed it. He feels nauseous because theyre touching him and hes a clean freak. then his wings burst off his back and accidentally kill the guy behind him, tearing through his shirt. He doesn't realize that they'll kill him. He told them to kill him quickly, but he was going to throw up and sent the guy away from him. Plus, he didn't kill any of the other 3 ninja. Only one by accident. The other two were killed by Kakashi after the fact. Kakashi being a customer and having received the benefits from the coffee felt like he owed MC so took care of the problem and started training him this point is purposely misleading warping plot points in favor of your opinion for no reason at all.


He got a Coffee Blood Limit which is similar to Boiling Water and if someone drinks it they can get a burst of energy like a caffeine shot. This happens in the 5th Chapter as part of his gift pack, I didn't think I needed to elaborate because it was so simple to understand everyone else did. Clearly I'll need to be more thorough in the future... Also the gender change potion was just a gag because many people mistakenly call him 'Miss' due to his looks. This point is being a stickler for a joke so i mean... Take it as you will...


Wow. Literally broke poor author with facts and criticism. Everything is true tho.


OK then.

Dissapointed_One:Wow. Literally broke poor author with facts and criticism. Everything is true tho.

Make. bullet . put . some . bullet . in . your . head .


bro calm down 💀

AgentMonke:He got a Coffee Blood Limit which is similar to Boiling Water and if someone drinks it they can get a burst of energy like a caffeine shot. This happens in the 5th Chapter as part of his gift pack, I didn't think I needed to elaborate because it was so simple to understand everyone else did. Clearly I'll need to be more thorough in the future... Also the gender change potion was just a gag because many people mistakenly call him 'Miss' due to his looks. This point is being a stickler for a joke so i mean... Take it as you will...