
Review Detail of Tales_de_Mileto in ASOIAF: Lord of Nature

Review detail


I feel tired while reading this. There has been too much exposition while having little to no story. Nobody actually cares about how the army is structured until it becomes necessary to know. Like why should I even care about this guy and his House when you haven't really given much interactions and most of them being OC. You get some liberties in fanfics when the characters are not OCs since people already know what to expect, but if you want the reader to care about the OC and his family of OCs you have to give us some character interaction between them rather than a freaking class on history of the House. You have to ease people into it and not just jump into it. Anyway, that's the only real criticism I have so far since reading this feels like a chore.

ASOIAF: Lord of Nature


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