
Review Detail of Golden_Essence in Strength of Chaos

Review detail


Okay, okay, I’ll admit it—I’m shamelessly diving into this. But hey, here’s the scoop: this book, it’s been my obsession. When I kicked things off, it was a bit like trying to walk on stilts—awkward and wobbly. But hang tight, folks, 'cause as the story goes on, it smooths out like a well-worn path. I’ve dialed down the fancy writing for a smoother ride. So, I’m asking for your patience. Trust me, this story's got layers. It’s a wild journey, and I promise it gets better. This plot? Oh, it’s a beast! A rollercoaster of twists and turns that'll leave you spinning. Buckle up, 'cause we’re in for one heck of a ride. Stick around, and let’s dive into this adventure together. Golden_Essense [img=recommend]

Strength of Chaos


Liked by 13 people




If it isn't our own wordsmith extraordinaire! Do you know your words paint unseen worlds, awakening the imagination of countless readers? Well, I personally feel everything you paint through your book in real-time. Feels as though I see and hear through every character. And what you said about the beginning of this book; well, I think you're getting better at weaving your magic. And it's rather satisfying to feel my favorite book hitting all my soft spots. So yeah, it's worth sticking around for the climax of this epic work. Keep rocking!🚀✨




Yeah i've been reading, i agree that sometimes i get lost, i tend to go back to read again. So far you've done a good job making it bearable to read, adding more excitement to it. I compliment your work, and i approve this book, it's really good trust me. Like Golden_Essence has said, you just have to be patient. It gets better.


Oh yeah... For your first work, i'd say you're doing a pretty good job. I had to respond to your comment because i think everyone coming here needs to understand how much is in this book. I feel the author is actively trying to eliminate cliche elements we come across on webnovel books. This is just different. Like he said starting the book was a bit rough, because i felt he was trying to find a balance, but right now, Golden_Essence has me on my toes, what is he cooking exactly? I want to see where it goes. I ask that y'all give this book a chance

