
Review Detail of H75_N in The Hidden Dungeon in the World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs

Review detail


W.Q: Not very good. S.D: same as cannon, no creativity. Seems as if MC himself doesn't have any knowledge about cannon. C.D: Not good discription given, even cheats are not used properly (Dungeon world cheats) MC's personality is same as MC of otome game world. U.S: 13/week it shows as of now. W.B: Very messy, not explained properly. Not very good as of now still much better than most fanfics which are being uploaded on webnovel at this period of time. Still to much like cannon, new O.C's are introduced but their presence don't change story in any way maybe something different will happen in future chapter's. But, as it is now not my cup of tea. [24-04-2023]-[ 16 chapters uploaded ]

The Hidden Dungeon in the World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs


Liked by 52 people




I like objective and professional reviews. Sure beats the usual ZOMFG THIS IS THE BEST EVAAAR drivel found here in WN. Thanks for the heads up mate!


Overall, if you have read what it is a fanfiction of you will enjoy it. But if you don't know about it, it would be rather confusing

KaiserXIII:I like objective and professional reviews. Sure beats the usual ZOMFG THIS IS THE BEST EVAAAR drivel found here in WN. Thanks for the heads up mate!

dont tell me your one of those people? the annoying people who always leave 4-5 stars nomatter how bad and say stuff like best novel ever author is amazing.

MuffinDud:Overall, if you have read what it is a fanfiction of you will enjoy it. But if you don't know about it, it would be rather confusing

Its not the best, and I didn't say it was. But the author put there hard work to make it and should be respected for that.

Ireallylikereading:dont tell me your one of those people? the annoying people who always leave 4-5 stars nomatter how bad and say stuff like best novel ever author is amazing.

i wont only take my words back ill also make another review if you make one aswell, but this time no more only good things you also have to add the bad ones, put in your review why you think this "thing" should have 4-5 stars on average, then explain "clearly" for those reading what its good and bad at, then and only then will i eat my words.

MuffinDud:Its not the best, and I didn't say it was. But the author put there hard work to make it and should be respected for that.