
Review Detail of djmac76 in Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Review detail


It is a decent story however after chapter 70 I lost complete interest. I had hoped for a Fairy Tail fanfic strictly in that universe, but the AU elements to the story ruined it.

Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads


Liked by 10 people




It was mentioned in chapter 2 that there would be crossovers. But I'm sorry you feel that way.


It's fine if there's crossovers, but the problem is that there's too much of them. It would have been better if you picked you favorite ones, just 1 or 2 max. 3. From what I can tell there's like 5-6 crossovers and I only read 80 chapters and seen some future chapter titles to get a grasp where the story is going. What I mean is, do you really need to do that? FT has many waifus and a pretty big story line to focus on, there's really no need to add to it so much more, so I think that you went overboard with 'additions' to the story and it slowed down the canon FT progression to a crawl. Also, the FML at the start is a menace, was really hard to read about her antics and MC passivity towards them. But you made it better with Erza's reality slap))

SixthSense1029:It was mentioned in chapter 2 that there would be crossovers. But I'm sorry you feel that way.