
Review Detail of TheNeeD in Journey began from Azeroth: Head of Windrunner family

Review detail


You know, I wanted to write a lot, but for some reason I changed my mind. The problem of authors who try to write in the style of "wuxia" is that they try to imitate too much and take not the most reasonable things. An example is the ratio in the battle of different ranks (Chapter 7). On what principles was this relationship based, was individual skill and teamwork taken into account? The area, the composition of the group and further on the list. Personally, I doubt it and it was invented like: "Well, it will do." But there are other problems, but I'm too lazy to write about it. It was certainly interesting, but with this work we are not on the way. I wish the author success.


Journey began from Azeroth: Head of Windrunner family


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