1. I got a dig bick 2. You that read wrong 3 You read that wrong too 4, Are you checking again? 5. You smile 7. You are wandering you're still reading this 8. You saw that mistake, right? 8. But did you see I skipped 4? 10. You checked, twice 11. And saw you that I doubled 8 and skipped 9? 12. It's "saw you" not you saw :) 12. I also skipped 5 14. you got tricked, again 15. I'm very much wasting your time, but if you were entertained, leave a like and happy reading[img=recommend] 16. This was somewhat copied from one of my fav authors, your glad to try it ;) 17. But did you see what I did with the missing 13? :)
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LIKEI notice words, so I actually did not read any of the sentences wrong. Those things irritate me most in webnovel. I'm so used to trying to figure out what they actually mean, since sometimes the words are totally wrong, that I noticed every time the words were different or placed wrong. The numbers on the other hand, I ignore, since I treat them like bulletin points.