This has an interesting plot and a decent pace. The translation has an issue with he/she. so you will be reading and are sure they are talking about a guy, but it will repeatedly say she. Another issue is that considering he is in a wheelchair, he walks around a lot. so you cant tell if he is faking it badly or really paralysed. So that is also confusing. The back and forth with the ML and the MC is very frustrating. He never investigates things or watches for more than 3 seconds, and he is surrounded by people that have drama soaps on the brain so they all come up with creative stories that mean she has to be cheating or plotting, etc. The first couple of times, you could understand based on prior experience, but after a while it just gets aggrevating and frankly, a bit stupid. Considering how well he knows her and how obsessed he has been with her, he isnt very good at considering her actions and why they are happening. However, despite all this, I am invested in the main leads. they are interesting and vibrant. I am stuck reading this feeling like i am between a rock and a hard place. i am annoyed and yet also want to know what happens next.
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