
Review Detail of Kotario in I am the God of Technology

Review detail


Since enough chapters have been released and enough genuine reviews have been accumulated, it's time for me to do the usual author's review. Similar to Guild Wars, I will explain the pros and cons of the novel. Pros: 1. Stable updates - at least 2 chapters a day of 1.5k words. 2. No face slapping - might only be one such scene every 100 chapters at best 3. Sensible - Both the narration and the characters in this novel act their age as well as just like they would if they actually existed, not according to character personality archetypes. 4. Stable yet relatively fast plot - due to the lack of much filler, the plot moves smoothly per each chapter. if something is not being done to achieve the long-term goal, something is being explained, learned or taught. Cons: 1. Too many sub-genres: At there exists a virtual reality world similar to the one in Ready Player One that is used by the denizens of the future universe for various daily purposes, there are many worlds the protagonist will visit to achieve his goals, al of which being of different genres. 2. Sexual content: I acknowledge that for some, this might be a pro, but for many more, this is a con. It's not as explicit and descriptive as what I did for guild wars, so it's somewhat mild. 3. Possibility of a harem: I am also aware that there are many who cannot stand the harem genre, so I am listing this as a con. What I can say, for both harem likers and harm haters, is that the harem in this novel is not necessarily idyllic like in other novels - even Guild Wars - but very brutally realistic. Lemme warn you of that ahead of time. 4. Early premium: This one is unfortunate, because of the fact that it is part of the contest and it got contracted very late, I was forced to set the premium early in order to have a fighting chance at winning. For now, that's basically it since there are only a few chapters out. You're free to ask questions and I will reply if they are well structured and prudent, but if they are due to ignorance - like you skimming or having comprehension issues - I will leave them to other readers to answer.

I am the God of Technology


Liked by 16 people




My Ghanaian Paddie wosop😎😌


Hey Author-San will Dante go to a wizard world after he is done learning all the Cultivation things here? because that would really be cool to see him go to different games just to learn all their powers.


That's a good idea

LordCampione:Hey Author-San will Dante go to a wizard world after he is done learning all the Cultivation things here? because that would really be cool to see him go to different games just to learn all their powers.

Time to ask the usual question XD, how many in the harem, NTR? Thanks for the answer


Do you have discord?


Yeah bruv, check the bottom of the novel chapters

Whiteraven_77:Do you have discord?

No harem yet and not NTR but there is sexual content

user123123:Time to ask the usual question XD, how many in the harem, NTR? Thanks for the answer

Is this a no-harem novel??

Kotario:No harem yet and not NTR but there is sexual content

"1. Too many sub-genres: At there exists a virtual reality world similar to the one in Ready Player One that is used by the denizens of the future universe for various daily purposes, there are many worlds the protagonist will visit to achieve his goals, al of which being of different genres." I don't think all the genres are an issue, the issue for me is that they all feel like mini stories within the story and it really takes away from the main world to me, they just feel like a bunch of filler to me.


No NTR like in guild wars or absolutely no NTR?

Kotario:No harem yet and not NTR but there is sexual content


machadogbc:No NTR like in guild wars or absolutely no NTR?

will we see him revive his friends and family forever from death when he gets the items? or even worse that they will revive him forever? please it's an important thing cause reviving will kill the novel for me. would we see him doing tasks or something in VR worlds? like in the martial world he just takes things for nothing back although he is strong enough there i think


Hey author-san .... I've been following your book for quite a while as a casual reader and I just think that its a great plot .... but with the books pace recently it seems like you aren't going to prolong the story much , Dante seems quite boosted and not much blood rushing too .... unlike " The legendary mechanic " where even with the mc getting op abilities it still keep reminding us how big the world is and how there is always more powerful people all around the cosmos ..... technology has boundless possibilities as well as gifts too but here everyone seems as if they're bound by World level or something lol with the higher dimensional beings as obscure as they are .... Don't know you might bring more twist and hidden plot but still thought i should let my thoughts known . Thanks for the good story 💚


man i really enjoy your work and i feel that a harem will ruin it so please if u read this please dont do a harem


Hey author, can you make an auxiliary chapter with the basic layout of the new universe and power structure (here is more political than actual power)? im still a little confused


Is a novel with a harem really necessary? Not so idyllic?? But who in his head really sees it as reasonable to surround himself with girls, honestly just some disturbed man who is more virgin than oil, because the harem doesn't work, you can't give all of yourself to several girls, please use common sense, make a novel in conditions, that deals with technology and the development of the mc, its environment and the world in general, by God now any excuse works to implement the harem, be an original author and do not denigrate yourself by writing fanservice for the mentally ill, do and no work that embarrasses you please, good luck on the project.


"give yourself fully" let me ask you???

Eternalsylph:Is a novel with a harem really necessary? Not so idyllic?? But who in his head really sees it as reasonable to surround himself with girls, honestly just some disturbed man who is more virgin than oil, because the harem doesn't work, you can't give all of yourself to several girls, please use common sense, make a novel in conditions, that deals with technology and the development of the mc, its environment and the world in general, by God now any excuse works to implement the harem, be an original author and do not denigrate yourself by writing fanservice for the mentally ill, do and no work that embarrasses you please, good luck on the project.