sorry author but not my cup of tea. anyways good luck with your journey 👍👍
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LIKEyea but the thing is it's better if the world had fewer people like you It's not doing the world any favor or society any benefit with you being alive but the world is still only going with people like us the soft "prism u call" or it would have been in chaos if there were more people like u I like look at state we are now with few percent of people like u , it would have been better ur parents used c0nd0₩ 1 less psychopath to worry
but hey u can do us a favor by jumping of a build u know 1 less psychopath wouldn't make the world better but it will stop u future spawns for coming. but I mean a person like doesn't do favors
Haiz 😧😫 Felow Daoist it seems u have a short fuse what we're discussing hasn't escalated to wishing i wasn't born🙄-To ur first comment I replied Soft persimon,it's a Metaphor not an insult insinuating u can't bear (Gore and Dark genres) but u till comment on his book.Preferably u shouldn't have done it just ur comment can drive potential readers that's why i had to reply -Ur second comment is offensive that's why I responded with a Metaphoric joke at that phrase,if u do not know read Reverend Insanity (sorry Author 😅😅)-Third u do not know boundaries btw Real life and novels so I'll still give u this"Wake up to reality, nothing ever go as planned in this cursed world"😀😀 I was still born and you still have a low IQ&EQ.Don't get me wrong I'm not angry I'm just Annoyed with those who can't understand a Harmless comment 👍👍
I don't get how my first comment drives away potential readers and I don't know why you assumed that I'm living in some dream world I don't know 😕 I am living my quiet good it is u that seems think the world is some " cursed world" and when did I say that - everything must go according to me - I mean if something like that to happen world will be on chaos and me having lower eq and iq I don't know never got it checked anywhere, anyway u read your psychopath books while I read my soft persiom books