
Review Detail of Mysteries_0 in Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Review detail


Everyone volume 4 ended at chapter 735 and please find the author notes below Contains spoiler🧐🧐 Volume 4 Summary The core symbol and meaning of the entire "Sinner" Volume were actually hinted at in Volume 1. This is why I've always said I'm very satisfied with many details in Volume 1, and the completeness of Volume 1 is also quite high. [TL Note: Completeness as in, was able to convey most if not all of the things that he wanted to write] So, this Volume of "Sinner" has three layers of symbolism: The first layer pertains to religious meanings and hidden plotlines [TL Note: Just think bible]. All humans in the world have sins, and the savior bears these sins. The volume started with Mr. K's prayer (2nd chapter of Volume 4) and ended with Mr. K's prayer. At the same time, Lumian's thoughts, emotions, and what he had experiences and witnessed are also completely different when comparing the beginning and the end. The title of the last chapter "I have sin(ned)" can be seen as Lumian shouting on the inside - I have sinned, I have blasphemed against god. God is the sinner of Cold Village.- but I think there's no need to explicitly state it in the text; everything is conveyed implicitly. [TL Note: Lumian's probably not really feeling he has sinned. It's more of a mock at the twist of fate. The Order had been great help to him, but now he discovered the "culprit(?)" related to the little lizard spirit. He would inevitably have thoughts of blasphemy against that god, and thus he would be considered to have "sinned"] The lizard-like little elves are both a very specific imagery [a literal bona-fide spirit in the shape of a lizard] and a metaphor/symbolism. A broken-winged, sin-bearing dragon falls from heaven to earth. Sin originates from the Lord, and sin also returns to the Lord. The Lord is the savior, as well as the sinner; that's the complete meaning of the first layer. In the story, this is shown by the Aurora Order becoming a reliable ally, trustworthy companions in dealing with Outer Gods, and then comes the final scene. As for why it's like this, I can't explain too much; it might spoil things. Let's just go straight to the title of the next Volume and the opening quote.... Volume 5: Demoness Opening Quote: This kind of outcome/ending, do you accept it? The second layer of "Sinner" is contrast. It contrasts those who have similar experiences to Lumian but made different choices. Their experiences, their evil, and their pain are reflections of sin. They are also the types of person that Lumian could have become as a sinner (should he made different choices). They are also part of the process of how Lumian's soul (cognition/will) becomes gradually complete (perfected). The third layer of "Sinner" is superficial, scattered throughout this Volume are various sinners. Their stories also serve as lines that lead to the expression of the first layer, bringing out the idea that all humans have sins, and evil flows through the mortal world. The structure of this Volume is both simple and complex. It's simple in that each part is very clear and can exist independently. It's complex in that - From Mr. K's prayer in the beginning, the Prayer of the Sea ceremony, the relevant events of Naboredisley, and the beginning and development of events related to the Mirror People, there is a clear hidden plotline - The Lord arranges everything, the Lord redeems everything, and the Lord bears all sins. Similarly, starting from after meeting Father Montserrat and obtaining the umbilical cord of Omebella - the Hant Island demon incident, the hunt for Hisoka, and the Dream Festival incident may seem like three independent stories but are in reality one and the same. The biggest problem with this Volume is that because of the need to write about conspirers, many events are written rather long. The pacing of reader's digestion of the chapters is relatively slow [Due to this being web novel format, limited chapters per day], so the whole Volume story isn't very tightly packed. The experience of following updates is probably not very good, but reading it all at once might be more comfortable. This also leads to a problem: the length of the entire Book 2 would probably be longer than what I expected. Although still not as much as Book 1, the differences aren't going to be too big. Hmm, when I mentioned before during an interview activity that our little Klein will wake up at the end of June or the beginning of July, what I meant was that by then, we would be entering Volume 6, the initial awakening process, and you would begin to see Zhou Mingrui. I did not mean that the entire awakening process will be over by Volume 6. To be honest, finishing Volume 5 in two months, even I can't say I am 100% confident in being able to do it. Because there were already quite a few planned events for Volume 5. Currently I'm not sure whether to postpone volume 6 or to write parts of the events planned for Volume 6 inside and in-between the events of Volume 5. During the break at the end of each Volume, I now have to take care of my children. Even this summary was written during the break while taking the kids to a picture book class, so it's a bit rushed and not as detailed or comprehensive enough as I would liked. Please bear with me. Hmm, this time the break still three and a half days, I'll resume updates at twelve o'clock on Wednesday (Beijing Time). I've already mentioned the title of the next Volume and the opening quote, just scroll up. Thank you, everyone

Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

Liked by 3 people




this is kinda a hiatus ?


COI will be updated on Wednesday

DaoistBlackV:this is kinda a hiatus ?