
Review Detail of _justumeh_ in Fated Lovers.

Review detail


I have not read this yet but I don't like it already. I understand you might be a new writer. Your chapter one was welcome to create on web novel. You should probably delete that And in the next chapter, your intro about how people should support your book shouldn't be there You should've put that in the review or author's thought if you wanted that. It's not supposed to be there. TBH... I actually read the first 3 chapters and I love your story line. But once you have edited these mistakes I will be sure to read and comment on each chapter😊👍

Fated Lovers.


Liked by 1 people




You're welcome. I also had that problem when writing mine. But what I did was to go back to the chapter and clean everything there and clicked update. I don't really remember but I solved the problem.I enjoy your book a lot and please be sure to update regularly ☺️

Iscream2:Thank you soo much for your review, the chapter 1 wasn't intentional, I tried deleting it but i am unable to, I don't know why. I will take your advice, thank you soo much. 💜

Thank you soo much for your review, the chapter 1 wasn't intentional, I tried deleting it but i am unable to, I don't know why. I will take your advice, thank you soo much. 💜


I will do my best, thank you. 😊


OK. Please check out my book too.Enchanted bonds. It's really interesting and you can comment and review too .I would really appreciate that

Iscream2:I will do my best, thank you. 😊

Sure I will.

_justumeh_:OK. Please check out my book too.Enchanted bonds. It's really interesting and you can comment and review too .I would really appreciate that