
Review Detail of Mr_Babbles in Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System

Review detail


as of chapter 12 I can say that the characters feel incredibly vivid and realistic, the dialogue doesn't feel awkward and the world building is certainly there with purpose. however the grammar is utterly awful, author does take steps to fix it, however I feel he/she over-relies on the readers to point it out(I fear that when I get to the locked chapters, it's just gonna be a literary mess). when it does get to locked chapters I guarantee a lot of people will pull out, cuz the chapters are like a swipe long and continues to be until like ch 80, author did say that he Increases the word count later, but he did it far too late. could be one of the greats if only it had: 1. better grammar 2.longer chapters

Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System


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I got proof reader later so relatively grammar should be better