
Review Detail of BobbyBrowne in Shadow Author

Review detail


I am around 70 chapters in and the story flows so unnaturally that it is hard to become invested. Major developments in the story happen with no warning whatsoever and you just feel like you're strung along by the authors impulses instead of this well thought out story direction. The character design is also very unnatural and every character transitions from idiot to super genius 200 iq 4 dimensional thinker every chapter or 2. Daughter of crime Syndicate aspiring assassin turns into 14 year old schoolgirl after seeing bf of 2 days hurt in spar? Author also tries to make Mc edgy for absolutely no reason he goes from pushover author to just not caring about human life whatsoever as long as it doesn't benefit him. Overall the story fails past the synopsis and I wouldn't recommend this personally

Shadow Author


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