
Review Detail of BlankTheHidden in Marvel: The Foundation

Review detail


It's good stuff, I have no idea if it's a Translated story or not, but it does give me a Chinese Feelinf. That said, it's quite good, just a few words here and there, and a phrase every now and then. There's no 'Young master chen' or 'face slapping' which is quite nice. As I said, I have no Idea if it's a translation or not, it's just a feeling. The story is progressing nicely, and as the first chapter tells, the MC is not gonna be totally alone, which is definitely a + in my book, and it makes the story much more interresting. Among all the Marvel ff i have read, this is 1 of the good ones, or maybe I am just a sucker for the SCP concept :P

Marvel: The Foundation


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