
Review Detail of Nine11P2 in Harry Potter : Wizard SI

Review detail


I really love this novel! one of the best characters I have read doesn't feel fake has its flaws,is smart,and annoying too.the grammar is not consistent I say work is needed but it's good for the first novel I have seen worse s**t then thisonly 19 chapters are uploaded by rn so dono about consistency the author uploads daily for now.I really hope author don't drop this an Asian mc other then south east asia or Japan/Korea is rare and I like it!! we need more like this. a little awkward in terms of the country Language references I can see some people don't understand reference in author native language and deem necessary i request author to like not put too much internal reference or jokes as it would look awkward god only I know how much i cringe to read that reference[no hate I am Indian too ;) ].

Harry Potter : Wizard SI


Liked by 5 people




Don’t worry bro, I have rewritten it, Try to see if it’s any good now.


loads better grammar is now very good.it genuinely feels like a top notch fanfic in the making,the only this that can stop this fanfic for being successful is update schedule ( I feel like have 4 ch or 5 ch a week is good enough) give time for planning the future and loads of time for personal life and for procrastinators like yours truly 🙂 it's like a ideal schedule between you and your readers.

KK9494:Don’t worry bro, I have rewritten it, Try to see if it’s any good now.

Sure 👍