
Review Detail of xSanctity in Cyberpunk's Singular Peculiarity

Review detail


The MC is letting one of the guys that gr@ped his sister live, and even be in a relationship with her. Yes, she has Stockholm Syndrome. This author must have a gr@pe fetish because they have used it as a plot point in every one of their books(at least the ones I have looked at). You do know that there are other ways to paint a world as being "dark", right? I will spam this if it is deleted because it is disgusting. GSH.

Cyberpunk's Singular Peculiarity


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lil bro is so desperate for his opinion to be heard that he replied to a 9 month old post lmaoooo

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life is often more complicated and uncomfortable then people would like.


Nothing is complicated about the situation. Any good, no, ANY brother only has one option in this situation, and that is to end the guy who did that to his sister. If you think otherwise, you have problems. Stop acting like anyone in his situation would be ok with his sister being in love with her gr@pist, you may say he isn't ok with it, but he is doing nothing about it, so he is just as pathetic.

Niggross:life is often more complicated and uncomfortable then people would like.

He did gr@pe her though. And anyone willing to do that automatically loses their status as a human in my eyes. The best friend situation you brought up is different, he tried to save her, failed, and then had to shoot her, would I do the same to him? No. But his life would be over either way. Your situation is entirely different, he raped her to save himself, and faces no consequences and even gets a little toy in the form of a Stockholm syndrome girl that would choose him over her family. No brother is letting the man live in that situation, sorry.

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Do you not know what gr@pe is? It is doing it without consent, did he have her consent? No. Then it is. She is exhibiting all the signs of Stockholm Syndrome, so there is no denying it. Her brother left the moment she chose to keep the man by her side, choosing him over her family. The only option is to end him, and be there for her after as a good brother, regardless if you have to let her hate you. This is ridiculous, I can not believe you are trying to paint a gr@pist in a way that makes him seem like the victim. He deserves nothing but to be unalived.

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Th authors comments kept getting deleted, but I will post the screenshots lol. This guy is legit making the gr@pist out as a victim.


here is the other one, like seriously, if you support this type of person, then you are as bad as they are.


My comments are still up... Regardless, you are entitled to your own opinion. I just think some things require more nuance than just 'shoot who you don't like no matter the circumstances'.

xSanctity:here is the other one, like seriously, if you support this type of person, then you are as bad as they are.

Nah your comments got shadow banned, did you not notice how I was censoring things that could be considered troublesome? I'm not saying that, I'm saying the MC should end the guy that gr@ped his sister, just like any brother in his situation would do. Circumstances do not matter when it comes to gr@pe. Especially if it happens to someone close to you.

Niggross:My comments are still up... Regardless, you are entitled to your own opinion. I just think some things require more nuance than just 'shoot who you don't like no matter the circumstances'.

This is the full one, other one didn't show it all.

xSanctity:here is the other one, like seriously, if you support this type of person, then you are as bad as they are.

And I'm saying, is it 'grape' if neither the perpetrator or victim were willing participants in the first place. Everyone has the right to life, if you put a gun to someone's head and force them to rob a bank, they will not be held accountable for it. Same thing here, the guy is in a situation where he will undoubtedly die if he doesn't act. I suspect in our current legal system he wouldn't be held accountable, regardless of how the victim felt about it. Not really relevant to the point but it's peculiar how different female and males view 'grape'. Males see it in a more possessive light compared to females. Which is probably why you're having such a strong reaction. Anyone who saw Berserk knows the feel.

xSanctity:Nah your comments got shadow banned, did you not notice how I was censoring things that could be considered troublesome? I'm not saying that, I'm saying the MC should end the guy that gr@ped his sister, just like any brother in his situation would do. Circumstances do not matter when it comes to gr@pe. Especially if it happens to someone close to you.

It is gr@pe imo, he could've just chosen to d!e. I would 100% do that over gr@ping anyone. My issue is mostly in his sister having Stockholm syndrome and choosing her gr@pist over her family. Who cares if he didn't have a choice? He chose to gr@pe her in the end, and that's all that should matter to her, but she has latched onto him and now would rather keep him close and safe, than have her own brother be close to her. If you had kept the gr@pist far away from them after they saved her, and she acted like any normal gr@pe victim would act, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I would still be annoyed he got to live, but her having Stockholm Syndrome makes her being saved pretty pointless, because she is not even the MCs sister at this point.

Niggross:And I'm saying, is it 'grape' if neither the perpetrator or victim were willing participants in the first place. Everyone has the right to life, if you put a gun to someone's head and force them to rob a bank, they will not be held accountable for it. Same thing here, the guy is in a situation where he will undoubtedly die if he doesn't act. I suspect in our current legal system he wouldn't be held accountable, regardless of how the victim felt about it. Not really relevant to the point but it's peculiar how different female and males view 'grape'. Males see it in a more possessive light compared to females. Which is probably why you're having such a strong reaction. Anyone who saw Berserk knows the feel.

I think I see the problem here though, you still see gr@pists as humans, while I see them as nothing but animals, so you still think they have human rights, while I on the other hand, do not. They deserve no pity, nor any chance at redemption, they only deserve to be locked away forever, or unalived imo. Anyone who is willing to do that to someone, regardless of the circumstances, has lost all hope.

xSanctity:It is gr@pe imo, he could've just chosen to d!e. I would 100% do that over gr@ping anyone. My issue is mostly in his sister having Stockholm syndrome and choosing her gr@pist over her family. Who cares if he didn't have a choice? He chose to gr@pe her in the end, and that's all that should matter to her, but she has latched onto him and now would rather keep him close and safe, than have her own brother be close to her. If you had kept the gr@pist far away from them after they saved her, and she acted like any normal gr@pe victim would act, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I would still be annoyed he got to live, but her having Stockholm Syndrome makes her being saved pretty pointless, because she is not even the MCs sister at this point.

eh, I've lost the heat I had at the beginning of this conversation. This is just my opinion from here on. MC should c ut her out of his life, she has made it clear that she cares more about her gr@pist than her own brother, she even tried using MC to help get the gr@pist things, knowing how the MC feels about him. MC should not even humor the thought that his sister is still there, she is clearly too far gone at this point. Let her live her life, having little to no contact with her. You can't help someone if they don't want to be helped. If the MC ever forgives the dude, or even puts up with his presence for her, then he should just off himself. I would honestly keep reading if I didn't have to read random chapters of her and her Stockholm Syndrome, but I cba putting up with her trying to get the MC to forgive the guy or even just help him out a bit. Even just the mention of the guy would send me in a rage, so I gotta avoid that.

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I don't know you haven't expected this from a cyberpunk story. It's obvious the author doesn't shy away from hard topics, so all I can say is you're an 1di0t.


You are an id!ot. If you would read, I wasn't complaining about it happening, I was complaining about a brother letting his sisters gr@pist live. Learn how to read moron.

Darnelljoe:I don't know you haven't expected this from a cyberpunk story. It's obvious the author doesn't shy away from hard topics, so all I can say is you're an 1di0t.

I did read your comments. I'm saying it's not that simple as to just kill him. Moron.

xSanctity:You are an id!ot. If you would read, I wasn't complaining about it happening, I was complaining about a brother letting his sisters gr@pist live. Learn how to read moron.

It's a pretty simple decision to make for any brother. Moron.

Darnelljoe:I did read your comments. I'm saying it's not that simple as to just kill him. Moron.

Can't you use that pea brain of yours to understand the potential consequences.

xSanctity:It's a pretty simple decision to make for any brother. Moron.

What? She k!lls herself? She is already gone d00d, Stockholm Syndrome has completely warped her brain, did you not see how she tried using the MC to help her gr@pist, even knowing how he feels about him? She's already pushing the MC away so she can be with the guy, so what difference would it make? Use that pea brain of yours to understand that the only way for him to have a sister anymore is for him to forgive her gr@pist, or at least put up with him. She has already proven that she will not care about the MC as long as she is with the gr@pist.

Darnelljoe:Can't you use that pea brain of yours to understand the potential consequences.

I agree with what you said, but her hating the MC is better than her being in love with her gr@pist, and that is why I'm so annoyed, she can't get better because she is in love with one of the guys who gr@ped her. The only way for her to get better is to see the guy for what he is, and she can't because she doesn't even remember what he did. Don't mention him trying and failing to save her, the dude still gr@ped her, regardless of the circumstances.

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