
Review Detail of Bjols in Is it wrong to be a Shrine Maiden Kitsune in a Dungeon?

Review detail


right i only got to a certain point before i had to give up. first of it is one of those novels that is suportive of child abuse cause of course it is not the abusers fault as the abuser had some reason to be angry and just needed to went. several people in the novel reapeatedly tells mc it is bad to be mad at abusive people... at least the novel eventualy shows that hey maybe you should not have trusted your abusive father as he will betray you and sell you to a molester. but yeah that does not change the fact that the writing seams to be very supportive of abusers. secound off the memories of both original lives gets sealed away originaly due to issues with the soul merging and eventualy because feeling mad about abuse is bad somehow. she eventualy starts picking up some slight tidbits of information, but anyways this is in no way a transmigration novel up to the point i read. furthermore at least until chapter 18 and likely more do not expect the story to actually start which might have been fine if the writing up until then had been at all enjoyable. furthermore the fact that that is half the novel before it was dropped tells you it was a bad call anyways. i usually do not bother writing bad reviews as i do not want to destroy any authors will to write as they may eventually get better. but aperantly i draw the line at novels that suport childabuse under the guise of "pacifism" a word it honestly seams the author has no understanding off. pacifism does not require you to feel no negative emotions, it does not require you to accept abuse and to not even try to find a way out of it when there are in fact several pocible peacefull aproches. heck most pacificts also tend to be perfectly happy with the fact that people get jailsentences if they did something bad, so i have no idea where this forgive bad people who feel no guilt and has recived no punishment is coming from.

Is it wrong to be a Shrine Maiden Kitsune in a Dungeon?


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