
Review Detail of Whitehorse421 in Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Review detail


This novel have so much potential and is one of the best books here on wb, but if you’re coming to a second Ri just go back this novel has its own personality,plot,chara cters and all a good book.

Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel


Liked by 2 people




Arigato ...yeah it does right...!!


i like this book so much,bro i hope u dont drop it, also plz write a book like this about a magical world where mc is obsessed with power too after u finish this

Dere_Isaac:Arigato ...yeah it does right...!!

oh wow ..... Hmmm... any ideas. tell me more about it


nothing much,a guy is reincarnated in a magic world. he cant use magic so he will have to use aura. there r knights and they use aura but their techniques r lost and they can't progress from a certain bottleneck. for some reason aura user like orks and barberians r extinct, we follow mc as he descovers a child of destiny, using aura, have ork lineage. he find out world is favoring non humans. the ork half child will do a rebbelion against human , mc is stuck between this war. the lore of this world would something like a titan who is the embodiment of body protect the world. one day a dragon who is the embodiment of soul attack the world. the titan was defeated, his children are hunted down,discriminated against. the dragon sucks the magic of the world but cant cz he is still injured. u can make the mc use aura weapon that he learned from his world or smth.

Dere_Isaac:oh wow ..... Hmmm... any ideas. tell me more about it