
Review Detail of VermountVenom in Danmachi: Memento Mori

Review detail


Seems pretty good so far. The grammar is also better than 95% of other fanfics on this app. There are still some errors but it's very good nonetheless. Interesting plot, Bell will be more mature and not as naive due to Argo being there, something I really like in Danmachi fanfics if done correctly. Bell having the soul of a Hero from the age of Heroes acompany him is something unique that I haven't seen in any Danmachi fanfic yet. Adding more AU stuff that isn't in the LN/Manga gives it a breath of fresh air making it better than those generic stories that follow the Plot to a tee with just a few original things sprinkeled in. Keep writing and take your time developing your ideas. As much as i'd like to say: "More chapters" it wouldn't do the story any good because it would then feel rushed, plot holes will appear, grammar will get worse(If you don't have an editor that is) and you're more likely to get a writers block(What you can do is make them a bit longer. That should make it more satisfying to read in my opinion.). Keep in mind that if you are consistent with your uploads your story will get popular more quickly. Welp I hope I could help a bit. Good luck and have fun writing this.

Danmachi: Memento Mori


Liked by 1 people




thank you for the review! I edit, and write my chapters myself so for some days I might no upload to do quality checkings or improvements on my previous chapters to ensure enjoyment! but thank you for the encouragement :)