I’m honestly surprised Webnovel were able to pick a good novel this time. It’s seems like the author is a new author and he did well writing the many emotions, character interaction, good story progress and good plot line. usually Chinese author just follow the common trend and don’ care about the quality of their stories, but it seems like this time we got a good quality novel.
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LIKENah bro, forget about what I said😭. This just turns into nationalism. Saying things like :” how are we defeated by those white skin foreigners” “Or how china has more history and existed for many years and couldn’t be deafted by white foreigners who existed for few centuries and so on🤮” Why they gotta destroy the story like that😭.
How many worlds does the Mc visit cuz I was at 558 and it was only at his 4 world and it ends at 700 or sum so I just didn’t there that many worlds left plus during this arc something’s wrong w the Mc
I am not sure I haven't crossed 200 i am in middle of unlocking chapters