
Review Detail of GreenRaven in Naruto: Reborn As An Uchiha With The Wrong Eyes

Review detail


I love the skill at which the story is written and I also like the premise of the story. the one problem I have is the fact that the mc isn't getting attached to people like a human would. he's just letting things happen as if he wasn't there. Not only did he let the world stay on track; but, he also made sure to manipulate the situations to make sure the atrocities happen. that is not how a person is unless the guy is a sociopath.

Naruto: Reborn As An Uchiha With The Wrong Eyes


Liked by 6 people




Thanks! This is my second attempt at writing creatively, so that means a lot. I hope my writing improves more in the future and will be reflected in the story as it continues. As to your issue with the MC, that's reasonable. MC is definitely a bit abnormal. However, it's mainly the circumstances that make him so uncaring of human life. He views everyone he interacts with as essentially characters from a story rather than real people, which is how he describes them in his internal monologue several times throughout the story. That is the main reason he has such little regard for those around him for the time being; the others will be revealed in due time. As for his role in the story, he will become more in the immediate future. It's just that he has no power or desire to change anything as of right now.


That's what makes the story great obviously he's a bit of a sociopath which is done on purpose everything pointed out is literally The Writer's intention in writing the story


Is there any chance for character development of the MC that would enable him to view the characters as actual persons themselves, instead of just characters from a story?

Crims0n_Dragon:Thanks! This is my second attempt at writing creatively, so that means a lot. I hope my writing improves more in the future and will be reflected in the story as it continues. As to your issue with the MC, that's reasonable. MC is definitely a bit abnormal. However, it's mainly the circumstances that make him so uncaring of human life. He views everyone he interacts with as essentially characters from a story rather than real people, which is how he describes them in his internal monologue several times throughout the story. That is the main reason he has such little regard for those around him for the time being; the others will be revealed in due time. As for his role in the story, he will become more in the immediate future. It's just that he has no power or desire to change anything as of right now.

There's a chance of this, yes.

Jims_Rid:Is there any chance for character development of the MC that would enable him to view the characters as actual persons themselves, instead of just characters from a story?