
Review Detail of DotComplex in Amalgam Darth Vader/Snape(HP, Star Wars)(In process of being rewrite!)

Review detail


I didn't want to post a 1-star review even if I really hate the novel since, well, there's really not much point ruining it for the people who actually like it, but I saw this absolutely sh*tshow of a fanfic at the top of the power rankings and I had to do it. I have the same obvious complaints as all the other reviews here - nothing in this makes sense, Hermoine is smarter than Mozart and Einstein combined and has the scheming skills of Light Yagami, the MC's personality isn't beta but is somehow even more annoying than a beta, and it just feels sad to read overall.

Amalgam Darth Vader/Snape(HP, Star Wars)(In process of being rewrite!)


Liked by 9 people




How annoying it is to see reviews like this from id#ots. Dude, it was made clear from the beginning that there is going to be time travel and that Hermione is going to appear, so if you don't like it don't read it, don't post a review angry about something that was already made clear. And I don't think the author makes Hermione look any different to how she is shown in canon, all the characters are very well written and your review seems disrespectful to me for someone even an author who writes for free, if you don't like it don't read dude. But your review s#cks and you sh#t on the efforts of others. Please people don't get carried away by people like this who just because one thing doesn't go the way they want it to start crying, the story has a good plot and feels more real than most Harry Potter FF. i wish the author would remove such hypocritical reviews.