
Review Detail of John_Smith_3884 in Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Review detail


Starting notes: - I have read up to chapter 35 as of today (2/8/2023). - I have liked the novel so far and look forward to reading more. - My only complaint has gone away at chapter 25. - My only complaint was a personal preference based complaint about parts of the mc. - And even then I would not call it a complaint but a preference. Gramer is 5/5 I have heard that the stability was good but I have not seen it for myself. Stability 5/5 Story has developed well in speed and pacing. 5/5 - one issue you might find with the novel is that some chapters can be long in explanation but that should not occur after most of the system is explained and has only occured when a new part has been unlocked such as the store. - Although his explanation about what he was going to use his 5 tickets on was long even though it did include some explanations. Charactor design is good. 5/5 - I did not take the mc as someone to have the ends of his hair dyed though. World background is good. 5/5 - Not much to say. - The background is flushed out but having a visual picture of the surroundings is a bit difficult. (Don’t know if it is just me or not). Thank you for your time. Please forgive any miss spellings I have made in this review. Have a wonderful day. Have fun reading this novel.


Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!


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thank you for putting in the effort for this review.