For me, a bit frustrating. The FL took a long time to toughen up. Her father is the typical all for filial piety scholar type who lost all hope. Not a great father at the start. There are some scenes that will make the reader mad. And I don't know if it was the way it's written or the translation that is so confusing, sometimes I don't get what they're talking about, it's like they're talking in riddles 😅😅😅.
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LIKESo glad I'm not the only one with these thoughts!!!! I got really frustrated because of the FL's father and his passivity and misguided sense of filial piety that allowed his child to be severely abused. In glad he woke up before losing his daughter by silent compliance. Now, I hope the story picks up and he and the FL's lives move forward. Of course, I'm looking forward to some face slapping. LOL 😆 🤣