
Review Detail of heminasti in Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom

Review detail


I'll start with the good. The raw writing quality is better than average. It has fluency. It also seems like the author knows what they're trying to write and stays on track. The setting is interesting and the story unfolding has potential. I was interested in the magic system and kingdom building system. But it's also true that it's a combination of stereotypes and cliches from real life and other fiction. The author chose to include plenty of those that require a reader to tolerate a barrage of casual "benevolent" sexism, classism, ageism, ableism, fatphobia, etc. It's filled with the literary equivalent of micro aggressions. Any one instance isn't a big deal, but it adds up. After 103 chapters, I got sick of it; not because it's so egregious, but rather because there wasn't enough else going on to make me overlook it. The main character's main skill is narcissism. He drips with disdain for everyone around him. He's constantly calling people barbaric, ignorant, miserable, weak, ugly, fat, etc. He makes a show of virtue he doesn't have, playing squeamish to earn points with the reader, but is bereft of any sincere values. He seems particularly compelled sexualize or deride women especially, usually both at the same time. He is neither likable, nor particularly interesting once I got to know him. The other characters are also unlikable. First, because the MC doesn't like them and his is the main perspective. Second, because they're not well developed outside of his perspective. The two main female characters' nicknames should be Crybaby Leech and Cutie Violence. Neither seems to have appealing qualities other than existing and being hawt. The plot is... On one hand it's not bad at all. But on the other hand, it's bland and sometimes boring to me. Trivial parts like traveling or chores are drawn out too long. Many fight scenes are mediocre with extraneous details. There are far too many interludes of "humorous" squabbling between the unlikable characters that don't add anything new to them or their relationships. The worst thing, though, is the constant "payback interruptus." What's that, you ask? People keep messing with the MC and he'll resolve to get payback. But then he doesn't. Instead, he allies with them or they get killed somehow unrelated to him. It's filled with characters insulting, threatening, and attacking each other and there is a noteworthy lack of satisfying consequences. I got blue balled so much I couldn't cope anymore.

Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom


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Thanks for the constructive review. I have to admit that the characters' personalities are a bit shallow at this point in the story, but that was mostly to give them some room to grow. The MC, more than narcissistic, has a rather dark and self-centered view of the world, but he is not a narcissistic pervert in the pathological sense of the word (in the sense that he doesn't seek validation from others at any cost, nor does he demean or manipulate them to keep them under his thumb). It has to do with his past. Sexism, classism, ageism, ableism, fatphobia ect... I understand why these criticisms are made, but everyone's sensitivity can be very different from one person to another. We follow the hero's thoughts and I sincerely think that most people are hypocrites. Most people who criticize fatphobia would not date a fat person themselves, sometimes make fun of disabled people inwardly etc... Self-righteousness does not always reflect whether a person is good or bad. And I know what I'm talking about, because my mother did a stint in psychiatry and people with the most "noble" causes (e.g. ecology, veganism, humanitarian missions etc...) often exhibited toxic behavior towards those around them. (histrionic personality, contempt for those who think differently from them, etc.). We can't always change what we think, but we can make sure we don't hurt others. The subtlety is there. The hero thinks in a certain way, but does not act as he thinks. If we understand this distinction, we will have understood most humans.


bro stop virtue signaling,this aint twitter


bro, why did u include a harem, harem s ucks, its a good novel, why did u have to make it bad

Arkinslize:Thanks for the constructive review. I have to admit that the characters' personalities are a bit shallow at this point in the story, but that was mostly to give them some room to grow. The MC, more than narcissistic, has a rather dark and self-centered view of the world, but he is not a narcissistic pervert in the pathological sense of the word (in the sense that he doesn't seek validation from others at any cost, nor does he demean or manipulate them to keep them under his thumb). It has to do with his past. Sexism, classism, ageism, ableism, fatphobia ect... I understand why these criticisms are made, but everyone's sensitivity can be very different from one person to another. We follow the hero's thoughts and I sincerely think that most people are hypocrites. Most people who criticize fatphobia would not date a fat person themselves, sometimes make fun of disabled people inwardly etc... Self-righteousness does not always reflect whether a person is good or bad. And I know what I'm talking about, because my mother did a stint in psychiatry and people with the most "noble" causes (e.g. ecology, veganism, humanitarian missions etc...) often exhibited toxic behavior towards those around them. (histrionic personality, contempt for those who think differently from them, etc.). We can't always change what we think, but we can make sure we don't hurt others. The subtlety is there. The hero thinks in a certain way, but does not act as he thinks. If we understand this distinction, we will have understood most humans.