
Review Detail of DaoistH7599X in Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom

Review detail


To be honest, i like the background of the world but the way the story progress is banal and always happen in a way that disrupts the MC's plans through sheer bad luck, no other reason, he is portrayed as intelligent and as a survivalist but, his actions contradict that in many ways, he also has one of the detestable traits that i hate, which is ignoring his problems or situation, reckless, implusive decision making, all in all i really don't like the character, interactions between people in general is bad , ambiguous and empty, talking without saying anything, acting as if there is a great mystery behind something simple not because there really is one but for the atmosphere and this is overused too, there is also his bad judgement making and overlooking important things by the characters when they interact with the mc like they withheld very important information relating to his survival and him not taking any grudge or speculation on the whys, it feels like author making these things just so Mc gets in trouble and again survives with his luck, overall 3.5 .

Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom


Liked by 20 people




Thanks for the review. As much as I can understand some of the criticism regarding the ordinary beginning (and again, I would tend to disagree), I completely disagree with the impulsive and irrational behavior of the MC that you criticize. Every action of the MC has made sense so far and the impulsive behavior came in the very last chapters for an extremely clear reason. As for the dialogues that don't say anything, the secrets that aren't secrets etc... I don't know what to say honestly. I can't help but notice when I go to your profile that all the reviews you have written on other webnovels are negative. There is not a single positive one and the only 4.5 you had left is for a fanfic. So I would be curious to know what you consider an excellent webnovel if you don't mind. In any case, if I get other similar reviews I will definitely try to correct the problems, but this review is unfortunately too vague for me to make anything of it.


İ am talking about the girl who survived the night with him, he ignores her tailing around him even though he is aware that she is dead weight and will cause more harm then good in the face of danger and things happened as he expected but instead of reflecting on his blunder of ignoring the problem he keeps ignoring her again, in his situation being cruel to her would have meant being conservative of his survival , the village not explaining anything openly and him needing to ask around ' irritating' villagers with his questions for something that can be explained no more than 2 hours to gain basic awareness is completely unnecessary and odd, him getting laughed at for wanting to learn magic is again odd, they are aware of his ignorance and when he wants to learn despite the risk they get shocked that he wants to but that is unrealistic to me, they are sacreficing people everyday yet they are concerned about gettin old faster? every day is a challenge from what i understood of the situation, the chieftess and the shaman openly talking about trying something out of him but it being late with his age and all that is talking but not saying anything and he stops pursuing the conversation very easily, his high esteem of his diet(refusing the goblin meat by giving weak excuses) is again shows that he is not the survavilist he claims or you claim him to be, he is constantly nagging which i don't mind he is distressed with his situation but it always leads to him losing awareness and than something happens at the exact same time when he loses his cool, too much coincedental situations, there is the fight with those bisons and venturing outside the village and doing it without much knowledge of outside the village and the situation inside the village shows his recklesness and his personality that i point him to possess he is ignoring important things, he seeks high risk high reward just like with all the fruits he stole out of greed shows that, when he returned to the village he instead of choosing subtlety like concealing and hiding it then bringing his loot one by one with vigilance he chose to run to his tent without much care but just a look out if someone is there, call it inexperince but clouded judgment out of ectasy is my word for this, he is not much in control if himself even worse then the meek girl's fearful attitude he is greedy, reckless and capricious even , when the chieftess confronted him and they made a deal she chose to not tell him the attention crawlers will give him due to the fruits or the scent the fruit will leave in the periphery, she is strong enough to take all the loot out of him so it is not a scheme or anything like that and i refuse to call it forgetfulness, surily you won't forget something directly attracting what you fear to face every night that easily so i see it as a deliberate plot hole to keep things 'interesting', last thing is he is always on thin ice in fighting scenes, one blunder away from his certain death at every lapse, his survival depends totally on a coincedental happening like someone coming, a last effort on his part then comes the fainting, thing is every odd is against him at every turn and he prevails stronger each time on coincedence or a last dicth effort then comes the new foe rinse and repeate,

Arkinslize:Thanks for the review. As much as I can understand some of the criticism regarding the ordinary beginning (and again, I would tend to disagree), I completely disagree with the impulsive and irrational behavior of the MC that you criticize. Every action of the MC has made sense so far and the impulsive behavior came in the very last chapters for an extremely clear reason. As for the dialogues that don't say anything, the secrets that aren't secrets etc... I don't know what to say honestly. I can't help but notice when I go to your profile that all the reviews you have written on other webnovels are negative. There is not a single positive one and the only 4.5 you had left is for a fanfic. So I would be curious to know what you consider an excellent webnovel if you don't mind. In any case, if I get other similar reviews I will definitely try to correct the problems, but this review is unfortunately too vague for me to make anything of it.

Well okay, I understand why all the reviews you leave are negative. The majority of the points you mentioned, are points that are completely justifiable and should not be changed, at best adjusted a little bit. What you want from what I understand is simply a psychopath. A soulless, unscrupulous MC who depends on nothing and nobody but himself. You can be smart, survivalist without becoming a cannibal or whatever. Goblins are close enough to humans and intelligent enough to disgust some readers if I made that choice. It's simply self-sabotaging on Webnovels whose average reader age is extremely young. Just the first example with Ellie, which he does not prevent from following him into the jungle. If tomorrow I have to go exploring the forest with a pretty, terrified girl who is starving and thirsty, I obviously wouldn't stop her. Call it protective instinct, pride, machismo, or cognitive bias, but at this point in the story she poses no threat to the MC. You have to distinguish between his annoyance and internal monologue and the deeper reasons for his actions. Show don't tell. Justifying why he acts one way or another makes no sense in Chapter 6. Besides, she runs away. If he had been alone, the scenario that follows with the goblin would have been exactly the same. You can be sure that if he had left her to die miserably, there would have been readers to write reviews like yours screaming that the MC is a hateful, heartless, evil character. All the reasons you mention about why nothing is explained to him and so on... The reasons are obvious to anyone who reads between the lines. Malia and Grallu don't care about him. He is just another prisoner who will soon die. As for the rest, well, yes, he faints, he wins his fights by the skin of his teeth, he gets into trouble. That's the whole point of a story. I'll stop here.


Why would prioritizing your own survival makes you a psycopath? and i never said anything like he should not depend on others, the relationship the girl and our mc share is one of parasitic kind, he is aware of it and yet does nothing but hope to get away from it, your arguement about the goblins sentience and people don't liking it is hypocritical and not thought well since the bisons are sentient enough too from what i understand of your last few chapters, i can agree on a lot of people finding it repulsive on goblins being relatively human shaped and these are words of the ignorant that did not suffer from true hunger and how desperate you can get on the face of it, you said that he would have been in the same situation without the girl following him is not true, he had to seperate his attention for her questions, talking, expressing his annoyance of her in his mind and in the face of danger he clearly seeked her presence to depend on her and finding that she fled and screaming while doing it, which means potential more opponents that are nearby and that also brought his mind being clouded with resentful feelings , so yes everything would have been different, these are all fatal points in his situation, and i never said that he be going alone, he could follow experienced ones, You said that his ignorance is justifiable since no one cares about him or his survival , especially the chieftess and the shaman, well this is not about that at all, there is a delicate balance on the number of people who survive on that village, the chieftess and the shaman are aware of the danger of the crawlers inreasing, so them not caring about their numbers is simply bs, who would bring more prisoners to survive the night if their numbers keep dwindling? the survivors of the night must be educated on basic stuff to keep the balance on their numbers, any half decent leader would come to this conclusion, would they be able to survive say with 10 people? of course not, so it is not about care but necessity of keeping their number static, about 'the whole point of a story' being the character being on the verge of death at every turn of unfavorable situation; it is not to me.

Arkinslize:Well okay, I understand why all the reviews you leave are negative. The majority of the points you mentioned, are points that are completely justifiable and should not be changed, at best adjusted a little bit. What you want from what I understand is simply a psychopath. A soulless, unscrupulous MC who depends on nothing and nobody but himself. You can be smart, survivalist without becoming a cannibal or whatever. Goblins are close enough to humans and intelligent enough to disgust some readers if I made that choice. It's simply self-sabotaging on Webnovels whose average reader age is extremely young. Just the first example with Ellie, which he does not prevent from following him into the jungle. If tomorrow I have to go exploring the forest with a pretty, terrified girl who is starving and thirsty, I obviously wouldn't stop her. Call it protective instinct, pride, machismo, or cognitive bias, but at this point in the story she poses no threat to the MC. You have to distinguish between his annoyance and internal monologue and the deeper reasons for his actions. Show don't tell. Justifying why he acts one way or another makes no sense in Chapter 6. Besides, she runs away. If he had been alone, the scenario that follows with the goblin would have been exactly the same. You can be sure that if he had left her to die miserably, there would have been readers to write reviews like yours screaming that the MC is a hateful, heartless, evil character. All the reasons you mention about why nothing is explained to him and so on... The reasons are obvious to anyone who reads between the lines. Malia and Grallu don't care about him. He is just another prisoner who will soon die. As for the rest, well, yes, he faints, he wins his fights by the skin of his teeth, he gets into trouble. That's the whole point of a story. I'll stop here.

You seem to be basing your own values onto the story when your values are not apart of the majority.

DaoistH7599X:Why would prioritizing your own survival makes you a psycopath? and i never said anything like he should not depend on others, the relationship the girl and our mc share is one of parasitic kind, he is aware of it and yet does nothing but hope to get away from it, your arguement about the goblins sentience and people don't liking it is hypocritical and not thought well since the bisons are sentient enough too from what i understand of your last few chapters, i can agree on a lot of people finding it repulsive on goblins being relatively human shaped and these are words of the ignorant that did not suffer from true hunger and how desperate you can get on the face of it, you said that he would have been in the same situation without the girl following him is not true, he had to seperate his attention for her questions, talking, expressing his annoyance of her in his mind and in the face of danger he clearly seeked her presence to depend on her and finding that she fled and screaming while doing it, which means potential more opponents that are nearby and that also brought his mind being clouded with resentful feelings , so yes everything would have been different, these are all fatal points in his situation, and i never said that he be going alone, he could follow experienced ones, You said that his ignorance is justifiable since no one cares about him or his survival , especially the chieftess and the shaman, well this is not about that at all, there is a delicate balance on the number of people who survive on that village, the chieftess and the shaman are aware of the danger of the crawlers inreasing, so them not caring about their numbers is simply bs, who would bring more prisoners to survive the night if their numbers keep dwindling? the survivors of the night must be educated on basic stuff to keep the balance on their numbers, any half decent leader would come to this conclusion, would they be able to survive say with 10 people? of course not, so it is not about care but necessity of keeping their number static, about 'the whole point of a story' being the character being on the verge of death at every turn of unfavorable situation; it is not to me.

İ am questioning why prioritizing one's self in such a dangerous place is viewed as an act of psycopathy to the author, and you 're distorting what i wrote, i am pointing inconsistincies in the portrayed characters and their thinking processes. Your remark is also explicitly based on a small part of what i wrote.

Darnelljoe:You seem to be basing your own values onto the story when your values are not apart of the majority.

Because human emotions are not so black and white.

DaoistH7599X:İ am questioning why prioritizing one's self in such a dangerous place is viewed as an act of psycopathy to the author, and you 're distorting what i wrote, i am pointing inconsistincies in the portrayed characters and their thinking processes. Your remark is also explicitly based on a small part of what i wrote.

you're moving around the words, how does my question of how prioritising your own well being making you a pyscopath have something to do with emotions not being black and white? you are avoiding all the things i wrote and give an explanation that has nothing to do with it. So because emotions are not black and white the act of preserving your own well being is an act of psycopathy?

Darnelljoe:Because human emotions are not so black and white.

Bro I was look for a review I ain’t read the story yet but between y’all conversations I found your explanation and arguments solid points of view Thxs. I ain’ judging the story or nothin because author will do what he will do and write what he wants.

DaoistH7599X:you're moving around the words, how does my question of how prioritising your own well being making you a pyscopath have something to do with emotions not being black and white? you are avoiding all the things i wrote and give an explanation that has nothing to do with it. So because emotions are not black and white the act of preserving your own well being is an act of psycopathy?