
Review Detail of Luk_72634 in El multiverso eterno: Un loco reencarnado

Review detail


I know that the mc is a villain but you seriously had to make him a psychopath? I mean, I wouldn't mind if he was all that if he wasn't a harem but why do you see the NEED to make the mc like that? He doesn't look like a villain, he looks like a psychopath😅 I would have preferred an anti-hero, he can kill whoever he wants but he should do it with more reason than this mc does, the truth is that the story is not to my liking, good luck with the story

El multiverso eterno: Un loco reencarnado


Liked by 3 people




nor homelander from, the boy, he's as crazy as the mc is, speaking of homelander if you had made him look like him in personality ok I'll buy it if you know how homelander is you would understand me, but I only see a psychopath in personality of the mc,. What would he do if he would already kill all the humans on earth? Would he kill his supposed harem? Because I see him capable XD