
Review Detail of phoenix_8888 in The Female Officer Became a Farmer After Getting Reborn

Review detail


I'm not bored, the story is good so far with some interesting characters, but because its a sample story in all fairness I cannot give it full points. Plus its early yet, in addition I think the translator/s seem to have challenges using their pronouns especially when it came to the FL sections in the story by interchanging it with he and she and related pronouns (his, himself etc, her, herself). In a case like this edit or grammar checks needs to be done. I do like the FL, however she and her close family members aka aunt etc. really made me feel inadequate as they did so much stuff in 24 hours, makes us readers look lazy. I cannot say much about the Ml as I believe he was just introduced to the story. I sincerely hopes the story gets picked and will have no trouble sending my energy stones to this one.


The Female Officer Became a Farmer After Getting Reborn

Weekly Sick Cat with Nine Lives

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